Saturday, 20 June 2015

Garden Update

I have cleared the bins and rubbish and this makes a lovely seating area for the morning and afternoon sun.  Once my shed roof is fixed I will paint it white and put my arbour up.
 Its nice having breakfast in the sun.

I am not allowed a pond so I have cleared the rubbish and put my pond liner here. I have stacked it with logs and plants so its a haven for bugs and nature. Nice and cool underneath for the frogs and toads when they come back.

I have put some bamboo fencing in the far corner, I can't get there to put plants in and I don't want soil against my shed. It also gives anything that falls in a chance to climb out. The small birds like to sit there which is nice.
 I have cornered off the side so its a nice small patio area.  It was an attempt to stop the dog barking at the people coming and going at the bottom house, but it didn't really work. She just gives up after a while.

This is from the bottom of the garden looking back.

 I have been working in the front and back too.  More to follow.

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